Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuit

Dickey Law Firm is filing lawsuits against the manufacturers of hair relaxer products causing uterine cancer and other serious illnesses. If you used L'Oréal or other hair relaxer products and then developed uterine cancer, breast cancer, or other serious conditions, contact us today to see if you are entitled to compensation.

Last Updated: November 15, 2022
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Lawsuit Against Hair Relaxer Manufacturers

If you used any L'Oréal® hair relaxer products (such as Dark Lovely, Motions, or Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Relaxer) and then developed breast cancer, uterine cancer, or other severe health problems, Dickey Law Firm may be able to help you recover significant compensation. The harmful chemicals in these products may have caused your condition.


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Who have used Hair Relaxer products?

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